Stroke affects many people around the world every day. Because there is no way to predict when it will strike, stroke is a very serious condition that can be treated. There are three basic types of stroke: the ischemic, transverse, and hemorrhagic. Understanding the symptoms of each type of stroke is the first step in getting treatment. Here is some information on each of these three types of stroke.
The most common type of stroke occurs when blood flow to the muscles or vessels is stopped and blood flow to the brain is impeded. This results in a decreased blood supply to the brain and sometimes leads to a stroke called a thrombotic ischemic stroke. Symptoms of this kind of stroke include a tingling or numbness in the fingers or hands; a decreased sense of balance; pain in the chest; dizziness; heart palpitations; choking or difficulty breathing; nausea; and chest pain. People who have had a thrombotic ischemic stroke often develop life-threatening complications, such as heart failure, heart muscle death, or sudden cardiac arrest. Because these symptoms may not be evident right away, they are the reason why it is important to have your doctor monitor your medical during an ambulance ride and after you have been stabilized at the hospital.
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Many of this patients suffered from severe strokes
Transient and reversible strokes occur infrequently. In these strokes, the symptoms do not persist even after the initial injury has healed. Symptoms of these strokes may include loss of consciousness, drooping eyelids, increased sensitivity to light, and impaired or loss of memory. Reversible strokes, however, cannot be predicted. The symptoms of a reversible stroke usually do not recur after the person falls out of bed or after swimming for a long time. The most common causes of these types of strokes are genetic conditions and injury to the head.
Acute artery stroke is one of the most common types of stroke. An artery becomes blocked, usually by blood clots. Clots narrow the passageway and make it difficult for nutrients and oxygen to travel through, causing an ischemia (reduction of oxygen supply) in the affected tissue. This condition is known as ischemia and can subside (wetenemesis) within hours, but recurs thereafter. Unlike the transient forms of strokes, an acute attack of clot leads to swelling in the affected blood vessels, sometimes resulting in a partial dislocation of the artery.
Two other main types of stroke are hemorrhagic and allergic. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when the walls of an artery that supplies veins to the brain become damaged. Clots from the damaged walls travel into the brain and restrict the flow of blood. Sometimes, bleeding occurs in the brain and this is called a bleed or hemorrhage. Allergic strokes, on the other hand, are caused by an allergic reaction to the protein compounds within the blood.
Some patients with mild cognitive impairment and problems such as alcohol abuse and depression have been reported to be more prone to suffer from one of the main types of strokes. The risk of suffering from this particular type of stroke is increased for people who smoke, have diabetes, and have a family history of stroke. More often than not, this particular impairment will worsen as time passes since symptoms, such as memory loss and impaired concentration, may take years to develop. More severe strokes can also occur in people with a history of heart attacks, high blood pressure, kidney disease, or even some forms of cancer. These diseases also increase the risk for more severe disabilities.
Another risk factor for many people who develop this impairment is the presence of an ischemic neck. Neck pain is one of the main symptoms of ischemia. Even if the pain vanishes after a few minutes, the circulation in the brain has been obstructed and the patient may develop severe strokes. The risk factors for this problem include being overweight, having a poor diet, using drugs that contain isocarbons, or having atherosclerotic disease. In addition, smokers who have developed atherosclerotic disease are also more likely to have this problem.
In conclusion, three main types of stroke exist, each having varying degrees of severity and effects on quality of life. Stroke recovery rates vary depending on the severity of the impairment and on the extent of the affected area and its relation to other illnesses such as diabetes and ischemia. Strokes that are of mild severity can lead to temporary paralysis or difficulty in movement while more severe ones can cause loss of consciousness and eventually death.